Merging Name Mapping Across Machines
We recently "graduated" from a single test designer to having multiple designers on multiple machines and a dedicated test server. The project suite and project files are on the designer's local machine pointing to Keyword tests on the test server. We are struggling desperately to keep the name mappings synced. For example, several new keyword tests were created on the server today which included new mappings and a few edited mappings. However, when adding the existing keyword tests to our designer's desktop and merging the name mapping FROM THE LOCAL MACHINE these tests were unable to find the objects or found the wrong object. As a last ditch effort I replaced the name mapping file completely on my local machine and it works. The merge dialogue never shows the the content differences indicated in the article and therefore there is no mechanism to resolve conflicts. We are initiating the merge from the designer's desktop machine according to the article ( Can someone help us figure out what is happening and how we can merge both from the server to the individual designers machines and visa-versa?
Version 10.60.3387.7