Forum Discussion

DanNad's avatar
2 months ago

WebView2 support does not work

Hello everyone. Did someone manage to get this to work?

There is no documentation on webview2 and also smartbear support doesnt seem to know how we can get this to work. We tried a lot of different approaches already but the object spy does not recognize the objects within the webview2 window.

Support gave us the string "--edge-webview-switches=--remote-debugging-port=92223" and we are supposed to add it to the command line field in TestedApps but this doesnt seem to make sense because i dont know how our proprietary software is supposed to know this command line parameter. I tried it anyways but our software is giving us an error message on startup stating the switch is invalid.

I managed to get this to work with our selenium project where we also use the remote debugging port to enable the webdriver to attach to the webview2 process. But i cant figure a way out how this should work with testcomplete.