Recent DiscussionsMost RecentMost ViewedTagged:TagWeb test code coverage without AQTime With AQTime off support and soon to be retired, does anyone have any solutions for collecting code coverage from a web page driven by TestComplete? We can instrument our code and generate istanbul c...Can Visual Test only be used for Web pages? Is it correct to say that Visual Test can only be used on browser-based applications (applications that run in chrome, edge, etc ... web applications) or can it be used on desktop applications as wel...15.72 Update Breaks all QT Desktop Testing The 15.72 update breaks any all testing with a Desktop application using QT. The update was supposed to include additional support for the current release of QT up to 6.7. Instead it broke all QT s...ClassName property is missing w/ Hmm, just upgraded to and encountered a problem. Our name mappings that use the ClassName property are failing. Looking at those items with the Object Spy, the problem is apparent. Clas...Is it Possible to use CurrentTest as I sometimes use Code Expressions as a parameters to call other tests or scripts. But, I have not found an easy way to copy/paste these test step into another test without having to manually update t...Looking at edge://settings/ or edge://policy/ Does anyone have any tricks for reading the seemingly "protected" pages that load within Microsoft Edge like edge://settings/ or edge://policy/? They page objects (it appears) but I can read from th...Getting file not found error Hi Team, i am getting file is not found error while i am calling the excel sheet from the script, can anyone help me in this? Note: i have all permissions to that file and file name characters a...System checks for Object for every test I had two projects in my project suite where one project is created as a base where all my desktop objects and the corresponding action for each and every control is written Controls are mapped in to handle authentication pop up issue in Edge Hi team, Could you please let me know how to handle authentication pop up issue in Edge Browser. General Exception raised within Run Browser action Hi all, I'm falling in an random error for which I'm not able to find the root cause nor a workaround. I'm using TestComplete/TestExecute version. The automation test is simply opening a...