Can Testcomplete connect to two android mobile devices through local appium at the same time?
Hi, I have setup the local appium server and would like to use Testcomplete for recording keyword tests .In our android application testing, we would need to connect to multiple devices at the same time and verify the communication between applications in the two different devices. Is it possible to connect to two mobile devices from Testcomplete at the same time ?33Views0likes2CommentsTest Complete not able to click on mobile application and record keyword tests
Hi Team, I have setup a MAC appium server for testing both iOS and Android applications. While testing android applications, I'am able to load the application to the mobile device but I'am not able to click on any options in the mobile application from Testcomplete . However Once I load the application to mobile, I can directly click on the mobile to navigate within the application. Another issue is that even if I do all the navigations in the phone directly and try to record keyword test , no test steps are getting recorded. Please help on this issues.60Views0likes3CommentsIs it possible to do android mobile test automation without an .apk file?
I am creating android mobile test automation using a local appium server and I want to be able to test an application that is currently downloaded on the android device. I do not have access to the apk file for this application but the app is already installed, I just need to be able to access it. What would I need to do to create automation without the apk file because TestComplete prompts you to enter the location of where the file is stored?Solved91Views0likes3CommentsTestComplete for iOS testing
Hi all, Are there a lot of community members that use TestComplete with Appium to test web applications on iOS on a regular basis? Is that a fairly smooth process for you? It seems like detecting webview content and test responsiveness can be inconsistent at best. I have had a ticket open with the support team for a few months and have made some progress, but have not been able to provide any usable automation to our internal customers yet. Also, the documentation (Set up Appium on macOS for Testing iOS Devices | TestComplete Documentation (, shows that it only supports Appium 1.22. If you have had success are you using the old version of Appium or have you tried Appium 2.0? There must be a way to optimize this for better performance, but I'm struggling so far. I'll keep working at it and if I come up with any solutions, I'll be sure to share! Thanks for your help, Mike220Views1like1CommentMobile - Swipe to an element
Hello! I am trying to find a way how I can scroll in an application until an element is visible. Basically the original issue is that using app.FindElementByXpath of an object errors with "Unable to find an element that matches the specified 'xpath' selector strategy", however, it works when I manually scroll onto the object. On web, I am aware of the ScrollIntoView functionality, but can't find anything similar for android/ios? Thanks in advance!545Views1like3CommentsDownload Appium compatible version for Mobile test
Hi all, for Mobile tests, I've seen that Test Complete is compatible only with a previous version of Appium (not the latest one) but I've difficulties to find the download link for this specific version (the appium site download only the latest version). Can you please help me by providing the link where I can download the right version compatible with Test Complete? Thanks!Solved756Views1like6CommentsUnable to connect to mobile devices on TestComplete via Bitbar
Hello , We are trying to run test scenarios on Bitbar using Test Complete. We have set up the API key in TestComplete but when we attempt to connect to a mobile device (ios & android), we're receiving errors. We can connect to devices and perform on tests directly on Bitbar perfectly fine. For IOS: Unable to connect to the remote device with requested capabilities. Appium server error com.testdroid.api.APIException: Failed to submit test run! No privileges to run IOS Framework. For Android: Unable to connect to the remote device with requested capabilities. Appium server error com.testdroid.api.APIException: Failed to submit test run! No privileges to run IOS Framework137Views0likes1CommentTestComplete Git
Who here has any experience with Git? It seems difficult to understand. Is there a great resource from SmartBear on how to use the SmartBear TestComplete 15.52.x Git control panel to upload all of the TestComplete 15 project folder and subfolder and files to the Git repository built by company. Yes, I have the path to that repo. I have the userid and pass to that location too. -todd2155Views0likes2CommentsPlease help! TestComplete will no longer record!
Quick question. Has anyone here experienced the phenomenon that after an upgrade TestComplete will appear to record actions but not actually write those keyword steps to the project in the project suite? No error is showing up? Is there a newer TestComplete extension than 14.00 I can try? Is that something that can be uninstalled and reinstalled? All operations seem fine its just when I go to record the actual results are not showing up in the underlying db? -todd2Solved206Views0likes2Comments