Win10: TC14.1: Object Spy issue with Edge for a sign in popup
Win10 : TC14.1 : Edge 11.0.17763.592
I am automating a web based application.
I initially started with IE11 and I am working in the fwk working with Edge and Chrome.
This web app has a sign in pop up.
So I have successfully ObjectSpy'd the window from IE11 and Chrome where it can recognize the popup sign in window.
This finds the window and the username and password textboxes.
When I try the same approach with Edge, ObjectSpy is just recognizing the whole complete browser window.
It does not penetrate further in, nor to the sign in pop up window nor the username and password textboxes.
I have aways used IE11. So learning the ins/outs of Edge and Chrome settings for TestComplete ... I could be missing a setting here somewhere.
Need some suggestions and help here.
I have looked over the Preparing Edge for Web Testing.
KB4051963 - I do not think I have this installed - how important is this. Will it solve the above issue?