3 years agoOccasional Contributor
Dynamically add TestedApps in Script Extensions
I create a Script Extensions and introduced themethod which i could add TestedApps Dynamically.
I could run successfully in debug mode but failed in Script Extensions.
I am not sure if we could add TestedApps in Script Extensions dynamically ,Did I miss something here?
Code like this:
function AddCharApplication(){
var AppPath = "a.exe"
var index = "";
if ( aqFile.Exists( AppPath ) ) {
var index = TestedApps.Find( AppPath );
if ( -1 == index )
index = TestedApps.Add( AppPath );
} else {
Runner.Stop( false );
Log.Error( "" );
var apprun = TestedApps.Items( index ).Run();
Error Message:
Yes, I think i have to create a new project to dealt with this on the recommendation of you.
Thank you very much!.