Forum Discussion

rickbaker's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

TestedApps changes the extension to .tctest causing issues in script

Hello all,

I am trying to open an apk using testedapps and it is adding .tctest which is causing my apk not to update as I expect it to.

The original is com.<name>.app.<name> and testedapps is adding tctest to the end of it.

I am able to manually get the script steps to work but when running it the apk does not update as it should.

Is there a way to see objects in the object browser and work with the objects without using the testedapps?

  • TestedApps is optional.  Just launch your apk from your test with a script or a code snippet.

  • TestedApps is optional.  Just launch your apk from your test with a script or a code snippet.

    • rickbaker's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thanks for the help on this. I used an adb shell command to start it but then it didn't see the objects. that was the issue.

      I found data in Smartbear help to instrument the apk using android studio.

      Since I have 2 apks that are used together I have been told of a different way to get it and it seems to be working or me.


      both apks are ran in TestedApps and the Deploy on start in the testedapps is set to checked for both as well.

      this is working.

      I have it done.

      thanks for all of the support.