Forum Discussion

SaravanaKumar_N's avatar
6 years ago

Unable to set TestedApps Path dynamically


I am unable to set TestedApps.Items(i).Path properly. 

Let say my app is under - C:\Program Files\abcdef\TestApp\App.exe


I am setting this dynamically using....

TestedApps.Items(0).Path = appPath;


But when I check the TestedApps application path field...

TestedApps Path is set to - C:\Program Files\abcdef\TestApp\


"App.exe" is not being set at application field, its getting trucated. Am I missing something here?


  • Hi,


    I think this is correct expected behaviour.

    Check documentation for the TestedApp.Path and TestedApp.FileName properties.


  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    I think this is correct expected behaviour.

    Check documentation for the TestedApp.Path and TestedApp.FileName properties.


  • cneedham's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I don't use tested apps at all. I just run a batch that launches the app. 


    Wrap it , don't wrap it. Doesn't matter. I use wshellrun. 


    static runBatchFile(batchFile, waitForExit, args = '')
    WshShell.Run("cmd /c .\\Stores\\Files\\" + batchFile + " " + args, 1, waitForExit);