I haven't had a lot of opportunity to play around with the environment manager directly. I've been poking around at 12.20 on a number of other things and haven't had the dedicated time to try out the CBT integration. It gives a free 1 week trial and I'd like to make sure I have the time to make that worth it.
That said, the name of the object component actually says it all... CBT = CrossBrowserTesting. This is SmartBear's integration of their CrossBrowserTesting platform into the TestComplete tool. Which, honestly, sounds PHENOMENALLY cool. I'll probably boot it up and start poking around within the next day or two. But, suffice it to say, it is not a tool for simulating Mobile applications or Desktop applications in different environment conditions. It's for checking web apps under different OS and browser combinations.
To do such a thing for desktop applications or mobile applications would mean that, when you send the tests over to the virtual test environment, you would somehow need to send the application over there as well. This is easily done with web apps... not so easily done with desktop and mobile. It's a limitation not of the Environment Manager but of the technology.