Forum Discussion

jkrolczy's avatar
Regular Contributor
2 years ago

ReadyAPI: SLM: On-Prem License Manager: ReadyAPI Pro Unable to get Floating License

Checking to see if others have come across this issue:


Following the new SLM process for migrating my ReadyAPI Pro from Protection LS to the new On-Prem License Manager 1.3.0,


On-Prem License Manager installed on a MS Windows Server 2019

I have successfully exported the license from to my http://localhost:40892/ side.


I have 1 floating license.


I have set the http://localhost:40892/  settings: General for 'Access for Everyone'

One my Hyper-V where ReadyAPI Pro 3.30.0 (not sure if I need to upgrade?) is installed,

On the 'Install License' popup,
I select 'License from server'
set the textbox to a format as such:  https://##.##.###.###:40892
Click 'Finish' button
A popup appears and searches for a bit and then stops.
License is not found and unable to proceed using ReadyAPI Pro.

ReadyAPI log provides the following message:

2023-07-05 14:46:45,431 WARN [InstallLicenseWizard] Failed to install the ReadyAPI Virtualization license.
Failed to connect to the license server. Check the specified IP address, port number, and firewall settings. Make sure you have Protection! License Server 5.1.5 or higher.

I am able to ping my On-Prem License Manager from my ReadyAPI VM.

I am able to ping my ReadyAPI VM from my On-Prem License Manager.


System Requirements mention OpenJDK 11 ?   I do not have this installed on the On-Prem License Manager.
Not sure if that is stilled needed or not ?

I am missing some small item here to get this working ðŸ¤”


  • I got on a Zoom call with SmartBear support, and I was doing everything correctly.


    ReadyAPI Pro 3.30.0 was having an issue for some reason and should have supported

    the new SLM process.

    Updated ReadyAPI Pro 3.47.0 and it worked at this version.

    My ReadyAPI Pro 3.47.0 on my Hyper-V can now find my On-Prem Software License Manager.

3 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Please ensure the port is running on License Manager machine and the same can be connected from the machine where ReadyAPI is trying to connect.

    • jkrolczy's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      I agree with this verification point:

      Does 40892 come into play on the ReadyAPI VM or is the port more important on the license manager side?

      From netstat -ano on the license server, I see this: 

      You have some commands to verify this a different way on each side ?


  • jkrolczy's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    I got on a Zoom call with SmartBear support, and I was doing everything correctly.


    ReadyAPI Pro 3.30.0 was having an issue for some reason and should have supported

    the new SLM process.

    Updated ReadyAPI Pro 3.47.0 and it worked at this version.

    My ReadyAPI Pro 3.47.0 on my Hyper-V can now find my On-Prem Software License Manager.