Forum Discussion

sprice090161's avatar
6 years ago

Environments Editor/Auth Manager can they be defined Globally

Background: My current company had SoapUI pro and had a aweful time using composite projects. Our workaround in bring the tool back is to create a singler project per endpoint for generatingtest cases. All api endpoint definitions are captured in the Projects tab section but the soapUI tab address specific endpoint test cases.


So this is pain in the but becasue each project (12 or so) require the same Environment definitions. 

Is there away to define them globally so that all projects can have access to them?


Same question for the Auth Manager....

  • Hi sprice090161 


    the following page in the help indicates Project level properties are the highest level properties which don't appear to satisfy your requirements.


    HOWEVER - you do have global properties also - you set them via the ReadyAPI! options - e.g. File >> Preferences >> Global Properties.


    then you can just use the Get Data function to pick up the properties from there.


    Does that help?





6 Replies

  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero

    Hi sprice090161 


    the following page in the help indicates Project level properties are the highest level properties which don't appear to satisfy your requirements.


    HOWEVER - you do have global properties also - you set them via the ReadyAPI! options - e.g. File >> Preferences >> Global Properties.


    then you can just use the Get Data function to pick up the properties from there.


    Does that help?





    • sprice090161's avatar

      Thank yes, I came accross them. I tried to stay away from explicitly defining globals but I think it it will be the best solution fro what we are doing.

    • sprice090161's avatar

      Actually I missread my own Post :-)


      I would like to define each environment just once in the tool, and have it available to any project that I with to assign it to rather than having to recreate the environment definisions fro each individual projects.


      I don't think that SoapUI will support this