Global Script folder for different projects
Hello everyone,
I need an urgent help if possible.
I recently started to work on the automation suite that was previously handled by my ex colleague.
So, he was using a folder named Scripts as in attachment AskTC1.png which stores all the .js and step definitions files and in this way those files were appearing in all projects (i.e. common/shared to all projects). He used to first create a .js file in a project he needed using Test Complete GUI and copied that file in a 'Script' folder manually to make it appeared in other projects as well. He then removed the same file from the project he first created the file to avoid any conflicts as in attachment 'ProjectsScripts.jpg'. I don't know how it worked for him, but when I follow the same method for my new files, they just don't appear in any other project except the one I created that file in.
I can use the Add existing file method and it works, but that means adding the file individually in all projects.
Do you think the method my colleague used was right and if I am missing anything in his method as its not working for me.
Thanks in advance
Just so you know, Windows folder layout is not related to the folder layout inside TestComplete. I don't know what process your colleague was following but the way you described it working with Add Existing File is how it does work.