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CLowe's avatar
9 years ago

Three TC Questions (1) Continuous Delivery (2) MS Test and integrate (3) TC and c# script

Hi Team,


Please answer the following questions from Gamunu Amunugama.




1)Since I have planned to implement Continuous Delivery concept I thought to have automated testing with Test complete and integrate with Teamcity.Do you think that is possible?


2)We can write  unit test cases with MS Test and integrate with Test complete.Do you this it is a better option rather that use Test complete for Unit test cases?


3) I didn’t see c# script when we select scripting language.Why is it?

  • HKosova's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    CLowe wrote: 

    3) I didn’t see c# script when we select scripting language.Why is it?

    C#Script is not recommended for new projects. Use JavaScript instead - the syntax (functions, loops, etc.) is compatible and the engine is a modern ECMAScript 6 engine.



    Long answer:

    We hid C#Script and C++Script from the Project Wizard because their names were causing confusion. C#Script is not C# and C++Script is not C++. They are special-purposes versions of the (now legacy) Microsoft JScript engine that use the square bracket syntax instead of dot notation, that is:


    // instead of simply // Aliases.browser.myPage.linkProducts.Click();

    The purpose of C#Script and C++Script was to write code that could be imported into so-called Connected and Self-Tested Applications. Users who do not use Connected and Self-Tested Applications should not use C#Script and C++Script.


    If you really need to create a C#Script project, you can do this as follows:

    • Create a project suite.
    • Right-click the project suite and select Add | New Item.
    • Select C#Script as the project language, and proceed from there.
  • Just curious, are you looking for Support to answer these questions?