Great, thanks.
> even can't pause it.
BTW, there are three main reasons when test code playback cannot be paused in TestComplete using its means:
-- When tested application is stuck in some code within its modal window (for example - in the handler of the OnClick event for the OK/Cancel button of some modal window). Some applications may wait for the user input within such handler. This can be handled in TestComplete (https://support.smartbear.com/testcomplete/docs/scripting/calling-methods-asynchrounously.html) but only if this is behaviour by design;
-- When TestComplete waits for some object using any of .WaitXXX() method with a long timeout (e.g. a minute or more). In this case it is not possible to pause test script execution until timeout expires. For the sake of convenience, it is recommended to enclose the wait into the loop, like this (pseudocode):
for (var i = 0; i < iIterations; i++)
if (! Aliases.App.WaitAliasChild('childToWait', 500).Exists)
-- The third case is specific one, but anyway: https://community.smartbear.com/t5/TestComplete-Desktop-Testing/Unable-to-idetify-message-box-using-object-spy/m-p/193908/highlight/true#M15808