test execution stuck running
I have a problem with ReadyAPI on some tests.
When I run a test, "[RUNNING]" appears besides it, but it does not dissapear. I don't know if the test fails or not and I can execute any of the test's other steps. It is also possible to execute it again. If so, the arrow goes from green to grey and the test step is blocked.
On several steps, I have information that appears between [] if I play them again, they get stuck.
Has anyone encountered this kind of problem ?
thank you
Thanks, I'll check that.
On the overall, I had unstability problems, my dashboard had dissapeared. Maybe it's because I had several projects opened ? anyway I had a message indicating that JVM heap needed to be increased.
I closed the projects (in fact I tried but I was stuck, so I removed soapui-settings.xml and default-soapui-workspace.xml from users) and went back to a 'clean' state and it seems to be ok so far.