Forum Discussion

MLawrence_1's avatar
New Contributor
15 years ago

TestComplete stuck on Initializing


I have been recently experience an intermittent problem when running a distributed test to several machines ( 4-6 ) using testcomplete and testexecute all the latest version Version 8.10.487. On occassion the test will get stuck with some initializing and some synchronizing and i simply cannot do anything if i turn all the computers off then the `synchronizing` machines are removed from the list but the `initializing` ones remain. I then have to use the task manager and to kill the testcomplete process.

Has anyone experienced this before? Anyone have any ideas why this would be happening?
  • Obviously not many people use this blog or care about this issue.

    I have run into this issue a couple more times since and have recently received a new error message whilst clicking on options in testcomplete when the application is frozen with machine reported as initializing. The error message is attached and report that not enough storage is available to process the command.

    Any help would be appreciated, also if maybe someone from SmartBear Software happens to keep an eye on their forums could comment on the issue it would be a lot of help.
  • There is also a bug in your forum because i posted one picture called tcerror.jpg and then attached to my post are two images called tcerror.jpg and tcerror1.jpg.
  • I've still got my fingers crossed someone might reply at some point.

    Recently i have received another error (attached) which states that:

    "An exception ocurred within the TtcLogManager handler of the TtcTestEngineEventDispatcher event:

    System Error. Code: 8.

    Not enough storage is available to process this command."

    Right now if anyone asked me would i recommend SmartBear software i would say no, a reply on this forum may change this.
  • FYI - The user forum is pretty much last priority for the company. It looks like no other user has recommendations on the problem you ran into. However, the Customer Support area is pretty efficient at dealing with bug reports. If you submit a report through there, you'll definitely get a response.

    Hopefully it'll be one that fixes the problem. :)
  • Hello Michael,

    Chuck is right about the prioritization - though the Forums are managed, this is the place for our users to talk to each other and share information.

    To get a reply sooner, it is recommended to open a support ticket with us directly.

    As for the problem you are having: 

    We have recently seen a similar problem. It occurred in a situation when the Master project had too many jobs and tasks.

    So, if this is the case for you, please see the recommendations below. We are working to fix the problem, but there are no time frames so far. 

    Here are the recommendations:

    Try reducing the number of jobs (tasks) to avoid the problem. However, if the jobs (tasks) you have are an essential part of your test, and you can't easily change their number, I recommend that you implement the following approach:

    1. Make your project have only one job containing only one task.

    2. Create an Excel file that is to contain task properties (host, test, etc.).

    3. Execute your distributed test from script - assign the needed properties to your task and start the execution. Upon completion, change the properties to match the next test, and run the execution again. 

    function test()


      var Driver = DDT.ExcelDriver("C:\\Task.xlsx", "Sheet1", true); 

      var task = NetworkSuite.Jobs.ItemByName("Job1").Tasks.ItemByName("Task1");

      while (!Driver.EOF())


        task.Host = NetworkSuite.Hosts.ItemByName(aqConvert.VarToStr(DDT.CurrentDriver.Value(0)));

        task.ProjectPath = DDT.CurrentDriver.Value(1);

        task.CopyRemoteLogMode = eval(DDT.CurrentDriver.Value(2));

        task.ActionAfterRun = eval(DDT.CurrentDriver.Value(3));

        task.Test = DDT.CurrentDriver.Value(4);

        task.PriorInstanceMode = eval(DDT.CurrentDriver.Value(5));

        task.RemoteApplication = eval(DDT.CurrentDriver.Value(6));





    The values that can be used in the "Copy remote log", "Action after run", "Use previous instance" and "Remote application" columns of the Excel file can be found in the help topics below:





    The script routine above is a routine that retrieves data from a data storage - the Excel file. Such a test concept is known as a data-driven test. You can find more information in the Data-Driven Testing - Basic Concepts and Using DDT Drivers help topics.

  • Hello,

    I have the exact same problem and after talking to support for a while they recommended upgrading to the 8.5 version !

    I haven't done this just yet since 8.5 is fairly new.

    Were you able to get a fix for this problem ?

    Let me know please !


  • Hello Nabil,

    Due to technical reasons, the fix was not included in version 8.50.

    However, I am not sure you are experiencing the same problem, even though it looks the same.

    How many Jobs and Tasks do you have in your Master project?
  • Hello,

    I currently have 29 jobs and 84 tasks !

    i just upgraded to the 8.5 version...since it doesn't have the fix, can you make a patch for me please ?

    Let me know.

    Thank you !

  • Hello Nabil,

    After some additional research, I have found out that the problem that was originally reported in this thread, is actually fixed in TestComplete 8.50.

    Sorry for the confusion.

    So, if you are getting a problem in 8.50, this must be a different one. We need to know more about the problem.

    Are you getting the "Not enough storage is available to process this command." in TestComplete 8.50 when trying to run your distributed test?

    If the error text is different, or if the error occurs at a different moment, let me know.