I have removed TortoiseSVN from my system where TestComplete resides. My environment is installed evaluation copy of TamTam SVN 3.3.0 and CollabNet SVN client 1.7.4.
I saved a small project suite from the repository in a new directory outside my working repository area, and renamed it uniquely. I modified some scripts, ensured it ran, and then tried to add the project to the repository from the new directory. My process was:
- File->Source Control->Add Project Suite
- The SCC Dialog appearred with
TamTam as the only option
- Entered path to the svn.exe command line interface
(from Collab.net)
- Entered the reportory address
- Verified Connection (all
was fine)
- selected OK
- Got first of 20 error windows (see attachment ending
in 01)
- selected OK
- Got second of 20 error windows (see attachment
ending in 02)
- selected OK to all the other error windows
- ...
result: nothing added to repository, but the File->Source Control option "Add Project Suite" is disabled, but the "Add to Source Control" is disabled.
- What is wrong with my setup?
- What is the actual process to save new projects
(outside working copy of repository) to the repository?
- What is the actual
process to save modified existing projects (inside or outside working
copy of repository) to the repository?