Forum Discussion

GAutomation's avatar
Frequent Contributor
6 years ago

Sharing a name mapping file with mutiple project in the same project suite

when i was looking to see how to share the Name mapping file with in multile project. i saw some comment in the board as below


Delete any NameMapping element you already have in the project, right-click the project and choose Add>Existing Item, then navigate to where your namemapping file is saved and select it. It should add NameMapping to your project with a blue arrow to indicate it is shared.


Using this approcah does any of you had any challanges when  team with 10 are using the same project suite. we are in procss of trying to getversion control but will take several months . as 2 or 3 in the team might be adding objects concurrenlty.

  • Hi,


    > right-click the project and choose Add>Existing Item [...]

    Yes, this is correct way.


    > as 2 or 3 in the team might be adding objects concurrenlty.

    Concurrent modification of NameMapping file (as well as any other file of TestComplete project, except script file with test source code, to some extent) must be avoided by all means.

    If the file is modified by one person only at a time and all other team members do update to avoid content collisions, there should be no other problems.



  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    > right-click the project and choose Add>Existing Item [...]

    Yes, this is correct way.


    > as 2 or 3 in the team might be adding objects concurrenlty.

    Concurrent modification of NameMapping file (as well as any other file of TestComplete project, except script file with test source code, to some extent) must be avoided by all means.

    If the file is modified by one person only at a time and all other team members do update to avoid content collisions, there should be no other problems.