Forum Discussion

clay's avatar
8 years ago

Sharing name mapping between Windows 2012 vs Windows 10 on a file share?

I have a file share folder containing all the files for a Test Complete project.  Two computers, one Windows 2012 Server and the other Windows 10 Enterprise, have Test Complete Desktop installed on them and access the file share folder.  It appears that the object browser on Windows 2010 has a different object naming convention than the object browser on Windows 10.  Hence, I believe the name mapping for one system is incompatible with the name mapping on the other system (and vice-versa).


Am I correct and is there a workaround?  I think I know the answer, but would love to find out if there is some trick that I don't know about to reconcile between the two operating system types.



8 Replies

  • NisHera's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Dose this helps you?

    an example would give us more insight 

    • tristaanogre's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor

      NisHera is correct in that, depending upon what you are using for your properties for mapping, they could be incompatible. Multiple configurations as indicated in the linked documentation is one solution.  Another, more involved solution, is to work at using properties and such that work no matter what OS.

      • clay's avatar

        I have been playing around with this issue for the last several days, and I believe there are a number of problems that seem to be confusing me.


        1. I am switching between OS on the same project.  I am quite sure that the object hierarchies that are built are different enough that I need to look at multiple configurations as a solution.

        2. The application I am testing builds itself at run time through plugins and other dynamically created objects.  As a result, I believe this will cause different object hierarchies to be created between test runs.  I suspect that this is possibly a bigger issue than the OS issue that resulted in me creating this blog entry in the first place.

        3.  The automatic building of the object hierarchy, especially QT objects, seems to turn itself on and off.  When it is off, the entire name mapping capabilities becomes useless to me.  I can force it to build a hierarchy by using the recorder, but otherwise I cannot tell what I am doing that turns it "off" and "on".  I prefer to use the recorder only to map out my test scenario and then reconstruct it with more object-driven detail and less coordinate mapping.


        I am developing a powerful love/hate relationship with TestComplete Desktop right now :-)

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    In your project, I don't recall where, there is an option to change the priority in which TC applies it's object recognition. It could be that, if you have a mix of technologies in your AUT that TC is trying to pick the right one. I think its under Tools -> Current Project Properties -> open applications but I don't know precisely. If you can find it, try moving QT closer to the top to have it take a higher priority
    • clay's avatar

      Found where to set the priority (I think).


      Current Project Properties->Open Applications->General


      You can select items in the list and move up/down. 

      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        Yup, that's the spot.  Move the QT items closer to the top and see if that makes a difference.