11 years agoOccasional Contributor
Xquery or Xpath with mutiple results
Hi everybody,
I just have a simply question (i don't find any response... sorry if it already exist) :
- Is it possible to return multiple values for a Xquery request or a Xpath expression?
I know that it's normally supported by Xquery or Xpath match, but with SoapUi, i always have the knowing message : >:( "more than one row match in current response" >:( .
Example : Just try this simply Xquery request :
Thanks in advance,
I just have a simply question (i don't find any response... sorry if it already exist) :
- Is it possible to return multiple values for a Xquery request or a Xpath expression?
I know that it's normally supported by Xquery or Xpath match, but with SoapUi, i always have the knowing message : >:( "more than one row match in current response" >:( .
Example : Just try this simply Xquery request :
for $x in (1 to 5)
return <test>{$x}</test>
Thanks in advance,

- It works with the follow query :
declare namespace soap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/';
declare namespace ns1='http://echange.service.xxx.xxx.com';
for $x in //ns1:exportAbsenceRequestsListResponse/ns1:exportedAbsenceRequests/ns1:AbsenceRequest