Forum Discussion

amithsid's avatar
11 years ago

Performing actions on MSFlexGridWndClass

How to perform a click on the cells of the grid using the row and colomn numbers instead of using screen coordinates and how to get the cell coordinates for a particular cell?

Name: VBObject("MSFlexGrid1")

Class: MSFlexGridWndClass

The inner cells are not spiable only. 

Under which objects to add it in the object mapping?

2 Replies

  • darshan_gandhi's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    We had same problem for our MS Flex Grid. But we wanted to enter/verify data in the grid.

    So here is what we did.

    First we got the focus on the grid (in case it is lost sometimes)


    Then we can set the values in rows & columns like:

    MSFlexGrid.Row  = Value1

    MSFlexGrid.Column = Value2

    MSFlexGrid.Keys(RequiredText)  '''' This will set the text at above Row Column

    Hope this helps!!!

