Forum Discussion

francisco_garci's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

Object Identification problem with Chrome 39 and Test Complete 10.50.2702.7

Hi Guys,

Since Tuesday 13th I am unable to run tests on my web site, since Test complete cannot correctly find the objects I programmed to. The script was running fine since November, but starting Tuesday, it no longer works.

When I try to identify the field I am suppose to write to using Test Complete, It identifies it in the wrong place. I have seen these behavior prevriously and it happens when the Chrome extension is outdated.

I tried the following already:

- Close Chrome and reopen it - failed

- Uninstall and reinstall the extension - failed

- Uninstall and reinstall test complete - failed

I currently have the following versions:

- Test Complete 10.50.2702.7

- Chrome 39.0.2171.99

Please advice on a solution, since I need to run the tests every day.


  • Ryan_Moran's avatar
    11 years ago

    Test Complete 10.50.2702.7 and Chrome Version 40.0.2214.94 m.

    Seems to be working for me now...I did not update anything with TestComplete.

  • Ryan_Moran's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Same...cannot run web testing with the latest Chrome version.

    "Please advice on a solution, since I need to run the tests every day."

    Possible solutions:

    1. Wait 2 weeks for a patch from SmartBear.

    2. Use an outdated version of Chrome and spend several hours trying to figure out how to disable browser updates

    3. Uninstall TestComplete and don't use TestComplete for automated web testing

    Wish I had a better answer for you, but we're in the same boat.

    Everytime Chrome updates we're unable to run automated web.

    We're currently looking into option #3.
  • The problem is that Chrome is identifying one less index value than the desidred one. Lets say, a listdown box has three options (Cricket, Baseball, Basket Ball). For Firefox and Internet Explorer, if I select item myObject.SelectItem(1), "Baseball" will get selected but for Chrome, it will select "Cricket". 

    This holds true even if I pass the entity name. For example, if I modify the above code to myObject.SelectItem("Baseball"), Chrome will select Cricket.

    All my tests are failing too. Solution anyone!!!
  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    > 2. [...] figure out how to disable browser updates

    I think it's pretty easy:

    -- Navigate to the <Program Files (x86)>\Google\Update folder;

    -- Rename GoogleUpdate.exe to something else (e.g. to GoogleUpdate.exe_)

    When you'd like to allow browser to update, just rename the file back.
  • francisco_garci's avatar
    Occasional Contributor



    Any update on this issue?? It was open for a long time now without an answer.

    • Ryan_Moran's avatar
      Valued Contributor

      Test Complete 10.50.2702.7 and Chrome Version 40.0.2214.94 m.

      Seems to be working for me now...I did not update anything with TestComplete.

      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        > Test Complete 10.50.2702.7 and Chrome Version 40.0.2214.94 m.

        Same here with the same Chrome and TC versions. Web pages in Chrome recognized and processed without problems.

  • francisco_garci's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Hi Guys,


    I still have issues using version 40 of Chrome, for example, in a login page, the fields for user and password, are being detected just a few inches below. I tried to remap it, but it still finds it incorrectly. When I run the script, the password is being filled in the URL field, instead of the password field.


    Any ideas on how to solve this?

  • francisco_garci's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Hi Guys,


    Last minute update, seems something damaged in my installation of Test Complete or it was outdate, but I did a clean reinstall of Test Complete and it started working fine.

