Forum Discussion

tomasino's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

Name Mapping Templates and the Mapped Name field

Have implemented the use of Name Map Templates with some good results.

Created a Template for mapping Table Cells. 

Keeping it simple.. with the  only properties being "ObjectType", "ColumnIndex" and "RowIndex".    When mapping a cell object, the Template kicks in with the prescribed properties selected.  It's working well.

However, I'm looking for a way to automatically set the "Mapped Name" field.

I want the Mapped Name format to get set to:



I find this format really agrees with my sense of oranization and makes tracking these objects through a script much easier.

Any way to affect the Mapped Name via a Name Mapping Template?

  • tomasino's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Helloooo... SmartBear..?  Anybody home..?

    Any chance of getting an answer here on the SmartBear Forum..? 

    Even a slight response/acknowledgement would be appreciated.


  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    Just an FYI, if there is a time urgency to your question, you're better served through a direct support request.

    As it is, as far as I know, there's not currently a way of doing so within TestComplete.  I'm sure a SmartBear person will come along and say "We'll add your feature request to our database and it will be added at some future date."
  • tomasino's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks for the response Robert.  It's appreciated.

    It's not an urgent request..  but I do insist on a response from the company on their own Forum.

    This is one of the strangest product Forums I've ever used. 

    Far too many times I search this Forum only to find the answer to my question (being the same question other customers/users have had) is taken "off line"..obfuscating the answer/solution.

    It's just bazaar.
  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    If it is an intense back and forth discussion on the specifics of use for a particular user, many times it is a lot easier handled in direct discussion via e-mail or via the occasional phone call.  Or, for that matter, it may be something that involves proprietary information that may not want to be shared in open forum.  Having worked on a customer service desk, I know that both of these scenarios happen often in working through support forums and that the "time delay" that happens with forum posts and such are a lot less condusive for the back-and-forth diagnostics and debugging that sometimes needs to be done for complex problems.  The hope is that someone will come back and eventually post the solution... but that doesn't always happen.  There have been discussions with the Powers That Be for SmartBear about improvement ideas for these forums so I know there are some coming, but I'm not privy to that timeline.

    Now, that said, I did take the time to explore the NameMapping templates and, currently, I don't see anything that gives indication of an ability to control the default formatting for the actual name created.  I agree that this would be a nice thing to have so, when the SmartBear folks come on by, then you and I will have added interest to a suggested new feature and they'll throw that into their product plans for the future.  the more people that request this feature, the greater liklihood we'll see it in an upcoming release.

    That's the best I can do for ya now.