How to extract the data from the ObjectProperty
I have spied on an object using 'Set Variable Value' assigning it to a new variable (Var1). Its value is Aliases.Ax32.Purchase_order.TaskPageLayout.PartHostSplitContainer.SplitterPanel.NativeWindowControl.NativeWindowWithEvents.PurchTable.AxTabCtrl.AxPaneWnd.AxPaneWnd.Cable_Assembly_Llc.Value
Now I need to extract the content of this 'Value' at the end, split it and extract particular data.
Could you please advise how to achieve this?
This is a desktop application and my operation is to capture the ID generated, to be used as an input for further testing.
This is the code I used and it worked for me
var obj = aqObject.GetPropertyValue(Aliases.Ax32.Purchase_order.TaskPageLayout.PartHostSplitContainer.SplitterPanel.NativeWindowControl.NativeWindowWithEvents.PurchTable.AxTabCtrl.AxPaneWnd.AxPaneWnd.Cable_Assembly_Llc, "Value");
var objValue = aqConvert.VarToStr(obj);
var obj1 = objValue.split(":");
var objFirst = obj1[0];