Forum Discussion

sukanya's avatar
7 years ago

How to extract data from URL in json node

I just want to extract navTok value in the Next link actually.

for example :

"NEXT" :"https://localhost:8080/navTok=72638726387sjhgfdsjfgsj82364"

The thing is i need to extract the navTok value using groovy script.


Please do the needful on this.


  • Hi sukanya


    The code which i provided above will do the same which you want to do


    Copy and paste it in script assertion


    And it will save you Dara in testcase level property

  • groovyguy's avatar
    Community Hero

    Do you have a groovy script you are working with already? If so, we can likely build off of that. 

    • sukanya's avatar

      I actually want to extract the Next value and store it in a value named "NextLink"  and also i need to extract the navTok value from the below Json response

  • Hi sukanya


    Here you go, just look at below code snippet and modify it accordingly if you need any:


    //This is for extracting Next Link data
    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
    //grab the response
    def ResponseMessage = messageExchange.response.responseContent
    //define a JsonSlurper
    def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper().parseText(ResponseMessage)
    //verify the slurper isn't empty
    assert !(jsonSlurper.isEmpty())
    def NextData = jsonSlurper.Links.Next
    //it will store the value of Next in TestCase level properties
    //This is For navTok Data
    NextData = NextData.toString()
    strLen = NextData.length()
    	navtokIndex = NextData.lastIndexOf("navTok")
    	navtokIndex = navtokIndex + 7
    	navtokString = NextData.substring(navtokIndex, strLen)
           assert(true:false):"String not found"


    Do mark it as a solution if it fulfills your need. :smileyvery-happy:





    • sukanya's avatar

      Thanks for your solution. I am trying it to work out. Will post it as soon as I am done.

    • sukanya's avatar
      //grab the response
      def ResponseMessage = messageExchange.response.responseContent

      Thank for your inputs. 

      1. After running the RESTRequst, got the response in SoapUI.

      2. Would like to grab the above response(Point# 1) and assign it to the variable "ResponseMessage". Please refer the attached screen shots and advise on this.



      • HimanshuTayal's avatar
        Community Hero
        //grab the response
        def ResponseMessage = messageExchange.response.responseContent


        With this code you saved your response in variable named ResponseMessage.

        I am not getting where are you stucking?

        or what you exactly wanna do?




  • Hi sukanya


    The code which i provided above will do the same which you want to do


    Copy and paste it in script assertion


    And it will save you Dara in testcase level property

  • Hi,


    Yes, it worked. And also i just need code to do pagination. I want the next links to be clicked and get the other responses. 

    Can you please help me in doing that.