Extract certain strings from JSON data strucure
Hello community,
I have the following JSON formatted data:
"interfaces" : {
"interface" : [
"interface-name" : "eth0"
"interface-name" : "eth1"
"interface-name" : "cons0"
"interface-name" : "cons1"
I only want to have the strings"cons0" and "cons1" extracted/tansfered into e. g. an arrary for further usage in a SOAPUI test case. Does anyone has an idea?
Thanks in advance
Hello Markus,
Given that you have a list of values that can vary between 0 and infinity, you can set properties from it easily enough, but now you have to give the property a name for each of those values. For each value a unique name must be created unless you don't care about how many values are in a list. The following builds on prior examples in this thread:
filteredInterfaceNameList = [];
interfaceNameList.each { name ->
if (name.contains('cons')) {
filteredInterfaceNameList.add (name)
filteredInterfaceNameList.eachWithIndex { interfaceName, idx ->
propName = "somePropertyNameValue" + idx.toString();
propValue = interfaceName;
testRunner.testCase.testSteps["Properties"].setPropertyValue( propName, propValue);
You have never stated how you would use this dynamically, so I can only imagine... The above code allows you to dynamically write properties from 0 to infinity (or however many Smartbear will allow). :)