Forum Discussion

Hellotest's avatar
4 years ago

Getting error with dynamic extractions in Groovy script


In Groovy Script trying to extract value from API Response . Instead of getting first value in Json trying to extract dynamically by referring to its value from datasource.

Ex- def sourceId = context.expand( '${GetSources#Response#$[0][\'SourceId\']}' )

Here instead of extracting 0th element, I need to get sourceId based on sourceCode. 


Sources is datasource name

So I tried below 3 different ways but error is thrown. Attached error.

1. def sourceId = context.expand( '${GetSources#Response#$[[?@.SourceCode=='${Sources#SourceCode}')].SourceId][\'SourceId\']}' )


2. def sourceId = context.expand( '${GetSources#Response#$[[?(@.SourceCode=='${Sources#SourceCode}')].SourceId]}')


3.def sourceId = context.expand( '${GetSources#Response#$[?(@.SourceCode=='${Sources#SourceCode}')].SourceId]}')


Please suggest the correct syntax .

Here is format of GET API Response

"SourceId": "bc3cef1e-a9f1-46df-a4f0-c1131357ea57",
"SourceCode": "ABC",
"CodeTier": "123",
"SourceDescription": "ABC Desc"
"SourceId": "b4035134-ca33-4b33-b3c7-06ea880f1f28",
"SourceCode": "DEF",
"CodeTier": "456",
"SourceDescription": "DEF Descr"

"SourceId": "9666bd19-1916-4052-9044-06b0e38e9175",
"SourceCode": "GHI",
"SourceDescription": "GHI Descr",





  • nmrao's avatar
    4 years ago

    Hellotest wrote:

    I tried first with out datasource as below but getting null pointer error as attached. 


    import static com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath.parse
    def jsonString = context.expand( '${GetSources#Response}' )
    def sourceId = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonString).result.find{it.SourceCode == 'ABC'} "source id: ${sourceId.SourceId}"


    You almost there, but trivial errors.




    //Get the parsed json of GetSources test step response
    def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(context('${GetSources#Response}'))
    //Closure to the the SourceId for a given SourceCode of the json
    def getSourceIdBySourceCode = { code ->  json.find {it?.SourceCode == code}?.SourceId }
    //Check if the value is matching
    assert 'b4035134-ca33-4b33-b3c7-06ea880f1f28' == getSourceIdBySourceCode( 'DEF')
    assert 'bc3cef1e-a9f1-46df-a4f0-c1131357ea57' == getSourceIdBySourceCode( 'ABC')




    You can test it online here

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2

    Hellotest wrote:


    In Groovy Script trying to extract value from API Response . Instead of getting first value in Json trying to extract dynamically by referring to its value from datasource.

    Ex- def sourceId = context.expand( '${GetSources#Response#$[0][\'SourceId\']}' )

    Here instead of extracting 0th element, I need to get sourceId based on sourceCode. 


    Sources is datasource name

    So I tried below 3 different ways but error is thrown. Attached error.

    1. def sourceId = context.expand( '${GetSources#Response#$[[?@.SourceCode=='${Sources#SourceCode}')].SourceId][\'SourceId\']}' )


    2. def sourceId = context.expand( '${GetSources#Response#$[[?(@.SourceCode=='${Sources#SourceCode}')].SourceId]}')


    3.def sourceId = context.expand( '${GetSources#Response#$[?(@.SourceCode=='${Sources#SourceCode}')].SourceId]}')

    1. Not good at JsonPath way which you are trying to use

    2. Some time ago when tried something similar (conditional match) in JsonPath assertion, it wasn't working. The reason could be the that the tool might be using different libraries.

    3. In order to get it working as you need, use JsonSlurper.

    Please find relevant sample which can be used and come with what is needed in your case.

    • Hellotest's avatar

      Hello nmrao 

      Actually Assertion are working fine for me with Json Path Match as below-


      But when used in Groovy script as I had provided they are not working. So unable to understand what is issue with syntax . 


      The JsonSlurper example provided does not have  the details from data source.

      So it will not apply.




      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 2
        Get the response into a variable, say jsonString. And pass that to JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonString).
        Now you should be able to follow the given example.