Generating SumoLogic friendly Text log file (or informative XML files)
We are planning to automate our test runs and reporting.
We will be running our test in commandline and exporting the logs.
We will be using SumoLogic to display all our logs.
SumoLogic needs the logs to be in.log format. (or XML)
I have used to /ErrorLog:"C:\ErrorLogs\ProjErrors.log" command to generate an error file whenever there is any error.
However, Sumologic is unable to read this log file as it does not contain timestamp.
Appreciate if someone can help me how to get timestamp on the errorlog.
Also if I can generate any other error file(.log or .xml format) which would be able to give a proper informative log in the SumoLogic dashboard, that would be great !
Thanks a lot in advance
Hi, might provide some useful info/code samples.