Forum Discussion

mgavan's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Upload Test Cycle Information

Hello, I am a rookie Zephyr Scale user.  My customer is using the integrated version in their JIRA environment.  Our Test Case upload template contains Tester, Planned Start Date, Planned Completion Date, and we now have these 3 values populated within our Zephyr Scale Test Cases.  However, we need visibility of these 3 values from within the Test Cycle screen (on the line layout for each individual Test Case), so that we can schedule these Test Cases for execution by day throughout the Test Cycle.  How can we do this please?  

  • Have you considered using the API endpoint:  /testrun/{testRunKey}/testcase/{testCaseKey}/testresult

    I think that might do what you need.  There's a PUT option which is for updates or you can POST new records.


    The REST API specs for the Server version can be found here: Zephyr Scale Server API (v1) (

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    If I understand you correctly, you can see all those details in the Test Cycle > Test Cases tab.  You may need to add the columns into the view, e.g. Assigned To, etc.  that button is on the right-hand side and looks like 3 vertical lines.


    If I've misunderstood please let me know/send screen prints.


    Thanks, Andy

    • mgavan's avatar
      New Contributor

      Andy, I only see fields available in that line item view that have been customized for the Test Cycle.  The fields that I populated in the Test Case are not available on the Test Cycle line item view.  Unless I misunderstand the functionality, I don't see them.  Please advise.  Thanks!

      • MisterB's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        Sorry, I'm not sure I fully understand.  I will try to help but you might need to attach some screen prints if I've missed the point.


        It sounds like you might have added custom fields for Planned Start/End to Test Cases, and then uploaded test cases with populated Planned Start/End dates.  Those test cases have then been added to test cycles, and now you want to see the Planned Start/End dates?


        I'm not sure that's possible because a test case could be added to multiple test cycles, each with different planned start/end dates.  So, the setting of those dates is done inside the test cycle, not the test case (in the 'line' view you mentioned, that is where the dates are set)... at least, that's my understanding of how it works but I'm unable to check this out in any great detail at this time.

