Forum Discussion

Alexiades's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

Why SOAPUI dosen't refresh the response information when I update my information in Oracle Fusion?



I have a web service that get information from an inform of Oracle Fusion. When I first launch the request service to get information from a customer in Oracle Fusion, it's done in the right way. But when I update the information of the customer and I launched the second time the request service the SOAPUI always bring me the first information without the last updates.


I tried to uncheck the cache option of WSDL and refresh the request service using Update Definition but nothing happends. The only solution that I found is to close and open the program. But I need to call the program for a Java application so is not a option for me.


Thanks in advance,



  • Hello again,

    I solved the problem. You were in the right direction JHunt, the problem was with the server-side cache. I solved it by changing an XML parameter every time I call the web service and it returns the last update.
    Thank you very much for the help of JHunt



  • JHunt's avatar
    Community Hero

    Sounds like it could be on the server side (or something between you and the server). It's either that or you're not following the right steps to re-send a request (in that case, could you write out each step and what you expect to happen?)


    Back to the whole server-side thing though, there might be some headers you can set, usually something along the lines of "MaxAge" or "NoCache" or some such, depending on what protocol you're using, and the specification of the API.

  • Alexiades's avatar
    New Contributor

    Thanks for the replie,

    I’m going to put an example of the steps that I follow to get the information from Oracle Fusion with SOAPUI.

    1/ I create a customer in Fusion


    2/ I open SOAPUI and I launch the XML for extract the information of the new customer created in Fusion


    3/ The response is correct and the return the information of the new customer.



    The problem comes now:


    1/ We created another new customer in Fusion.

    2/ We test in Oracle Fusion that the customer was created correctly.

    3/ So without closing SOUPUI we launch again the XML to extract the new customers.

    4/And nothing happened, it doesn’t refresh the information and doesn’t bring the new customer created, but in Oracle Fusion it appears.

    5/But if we close the SOAPUI application, we opened again and launch the XML of new customer it’s brings the information of the new customer.


    What I tried to solve the problem was:


    Disable the cache:




    Regenerate the XML:




    Nothing works.


    The API is one of ORACLE call analytics-ws.wsdl I look for information on the API web page, but I cannot find anything

    In relation to the MaxAge, I notice that after several hours the information of the web service is updated. But it is not a good solution, because it has published that information from the moment it was created in Fusion.


    Thanks in advance,



  • Alexiades's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hello again,

    I solved the problem. You were in the right direction JHunt, the problem was with the server-side cache. I solved it by changing an XML parameter every time I call the web service and it returns the last update.
    Thank you very much for the help of JHunt

