14 years agoNew Contributor
Fatal Error detection by TC
Can anyone help on this one? I am a new learner to TC.
Suppose I want to test 100 links in a PHP built website. Task is easy that only to find out whether the page is loading correctly. I found out by the script I wrote, it is not able to detect the page loading error such as
FATAL [/****/config.php:12] Constant BASE_DIR already defined
Please suggest any idea how to handle this. Thankkkks
Suppose I want to test 100 links in a PHP built website. Task is easy that only to find out whether the page is loading correctly. I found out by the script I wrote, it is not able to detect the page loading error such as
FATAL [/****/config.php:12] Constant BASE_DIR already defined
Please suggest any idea how to handle this. Thankkkks