Hi Rui,
However, it looks like in Stores, the object is created particular to one single page. |
You can make web accessibility checkpoints more flexible using the
Name Mapping feature. If the
Map object names automatically option is enabled, TestComplete will create web accessibility checkpoints using the page's mapped name. If TestComplete uses a mapped name of a page, it means that this name is linked to the actual page by values of one or several properties (e.g. ObjectType and URL) or by other mapping criteria. When getting the actual object via its custom name, TestComplete performs a search by these criteria, and if they are flexible enough, you can get any of the pages you need.
For example, if you have only one page open, and you need to perform a web accessibility check for it, you need to enable the mentioned option, create a web accessibility checkpoint for a page and
modify the resulting page's mapping criteria, so the URL property will be equal to "*" (asterisk). To learn how to modify mapping criteria, please refer to the
Modifying Mapping Criteria help topic.
I hope this information helps you.