Forum Discussion
- jab4743Contributor
Does the dropdown element have to be visible to be selected? In the apps I test, as long as the element exists it does not have to be visible to be selected. If it does have to be visible to be selected, have you tried to simply Key up (you may need a loop) until the visibleonscreen property is true and then selecting it?
amit_bansal wrote:While using object spy, I am selecting the element by glyph. The target address is filled in the in the object textbox. But when I click on highlight, the element on the modal window slides down and is not "visible on screen".
- amit_bansalOccasional Contributor
When the step clcikitem is run, it is visible on screen but when it clicks on it: it slides down. I am encountering this issue when I am highlighting the element. using object spy or on screen actions.
- tristaanogreEsteemed Contributor
What do you mean by "it slides down"? Does the item not get selected?
- tristaanogreEsteemed Contributor
What purpose does highlighting serve in your work? I mean, it's a good reference to make sure what you have selected, but with many components any more, they are sensitive to whether or not the mouse is hovering or the field is focused... lose the focus, the component "slides away".
- amit_bansalOccasional Contributor
It is a drop down and I have to select item from this dropdown. When playback this step, the element slides down from view and the item is not selected.
- tristaanogreEsteemed Contributor
OK, that's an entirely different problem than highlighting causing the object to slide away.
So... some questions:
1) What type of application is this? Web? Desktop? Mobile?2) What type of drop down is this?
3) Can you post screenshots of the drop down component and it's Advanced properties so we can help determine the best way to work with it?
4) What happens when you try recording the process of clicking on the item?
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