Forum Discussion

jonathon's avatar
5 years ago

Syntax highlighting



I'm just wondering if there is a setting to enable language specific highlighting. I can see TestComplete hihglights some keywords. But I was hoping in my case to enable some Python syntax highlighting too?

9 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    Yes. Under Tools -> Options -> Panels -> Code Editor there is a highlighting option that allows you to customize the syntax highlighting for different code languages.

    • jonathon's avatar

      Hi tristaanogre 


      Thanks for this. What I'm looking for is more so specific keyword highlighting. Take example this snippet in TestComplete



      I'm used to PyCharm, so it would be nice to see the distinction between keywords, like decorators with @classmethod, self, return, None etc


      This is what I see in PyCharm for instance.



      Maybe I didn't enable the right option?

      • jonathon's avatar

         Oh, ok I 've figured it out - thanks


        One think I couldn't seem to find was highlighting for just arguments?