Forum Discussion

mehdisinger's avatar
5 years ago

Missing Json root element

Hi all,


We've set up Swagger UI for a while now (version 1.5.10) on our project but we are trying to find out wether it's possible to integrate the Json root element in the example value.

I see that this problem occurs also in your demo page


for the Pet model you display the following Json 

  "id": 0,
  "category": {
    "id": 0,
    "name": "string"
  "name": "doggie",
  "photoUrls": [
  "tags": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string"
  "status": "available"

Where I'm expecting to see:


  "Pet": {
    "id": 0,
    "category": {
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string"
    "name": "doggie",
    "photoUrls": [
    "tags": [
        "id": 0,
        "name": "string"
    "status": "available"


I tried to add @JsonRootName annotation on my entities and set up WRAP_ROOT_VALUE/UNWRAP_ROOT_VALUE on  the Json serializer but I still don't get the expected result.


Thank you very much for your help !




  • I am not sure I fully understand goals and scenarios - also please note that example support and in general customization and extensibility are more advanced in Swagger Core v2 (, supporting OpenAPI 3.0)  - however the example content is not dependent on any serialization preference on the server side, as it is dynamically built by swagger-ui (if an `example` field doesn't exist at Pet level) out of the defined schema.


    The schema resolved by swagger-core from Pet Pojo is also not dependent on whatever Jackson mapper serialization options of the Pojo itself (there can be many mapper, each applying or not WRAP_ROOT_VALUE, e.g the one used by the REST framework of choice, the one in use by swagger-core, any other..).


    It analyze the properties/members of the Pojo  and build a `Model` of it. This model (e.g. a `ModelImpl` object) is then serialized to JSON/YAML along with the whole resolved `Swagger` object to output the serialized resolved Swagger definition. 


    If the expected JSON accepted (or returned) by your endpoints includes the`Pet` as a property within a "wrapper" (as with Jackson WRAP_ROOT_VALUE) this would need to be defined in the model used, you could for example define a wrapper class and add that as type of the ApiParam or ApiImplicitParam annotation, e.g.


    public class PetWrapper{
    public Pet pet;


    As mentioned above, a slightly more complicated alternative is providing an `example` value to the model, to obtain something like:


        type: "object"
            id: 0
            name: "mypet"
            type: "integer"
            format: "int64"
            type: "string"


    unfortunately there is no annotation in Swagger Core v1 allowing to define the example for root models, but you can provide your own along with a custom ModelResolver, e.g.:


        class CustomConverter extends ModelResolver {
            public CustomConverter(ObjectMapper mapper) {
                super(mapper);        }
            public Model resolve(JavaType type, ModelConverterContext context, Iterator<ModelConverter> next) {
                Model model = super.resolve(type, context, next);
                BeanDescription beanDesc = _mapper.getSerializationConfig().introspect(type);
                final ExampleAnnotation ann = beanDesc.getClassAnnotations().get(ExampleAnnotation.class);
                if (ann != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(ann.value())) {
                    try {
                    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
                        return model;
                return model;


    public @interface ExampleAnnotation {
        String value() default "";


    configuring it via service loader or in bootstrap code:

    ModelConverters.getInstance().addConverter(new CustomConverter());


    you would then be able to define the example for your pojo as you like:

    @ExampleAnnotation("{\"Pet\": {\"id\" : 0, \"name\": "...."}}")
    public class Pet {
        private long id;
        private Category category;








  • pica25's avatar
    New Contributor

    I'm also having the same issues. Is there a way to solve this ?

    • pica25's avatar
      New Contributor

      We are thinking to move away from Swagger if we cannot get an answer to this basic request. Can someone help ?

      • frantuma's avatar

        I am not sure I fully understand goals and scenarios - also please note that example support and in general customization and extensibility are more advanced in Swagger Core v2 (, supporting OpenAPI 3.0)  - however the example content is not dependent on any serialization preference on the server side, as it is dynamically built by swagger-ui (if an `example` field doesn't exist at Pet level) out of the defined schema.


        The schema resolved by swagger-core from Pet Pojo is also not dependent on whatever Jackson mapper serialization options of the Pojo itself (there can be many mapper, each applying or not WRAP_ROOT_VALUE, e.g the one used by the REST framework of choice, the one in use by swagger-core, any other..).


        It analyze the properties/members of the Pojo  and build a `Model` of it. This model (e.g. a `ModelImpl` object) is then serialized to JSON/YAML along with the whole resolved `Swagger` object to output the serialized resolved Swagger definition. 


        If the expected JSON accepted (or returned) by your endpoints includes the`Pet` as a property within a "wrapper" (as with Jackson WRAP_ROOT_VALUE) this would need to be defined in the model used, you could for example define a wrapper class and add that as type of the ApiParam or ApiImplicitParam annotation, e.g.


        public class PetWrapper{
        public Pet pet;


        As mentioned above, a slightly more complicated alternative is providing an `example` value to the model, to obtain something like:


            type: "object"
                id: 0
                name: "mypet"
                type: "integer"
                format: "int64"
                type: "string"


        unfortunately there is no annotation in Swagger Core v1 allowing to define the example for root models, but you can provide your own along with a custom ModelResolver, e.g.:


            class CustomConverter extends ModelResolver {
                public CustomConverter(ObjectMapper mapper) {
                    super(mapper);        }
                public Model resolve(JavaType type, ModelConverterContext context, Iterator<ModelConverter> next) {
                    Model model = super.resolve(type, context, next);
                    BeanDescription beanDesc = _mapper.getSerializationConfig().introspect(type);
                    final ExampleAnnotation ann = beanDesc.getClassAnnotations().get(ExampleAnnotation.class);
                    if (ann != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(ann.value())) {
                        try {
                        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
                            return model;
                    return model;


        public @interface ExampleAnnotation {
            String value() default "";


        configuring it via service loader or in bootstrap code:

        ModelConverters.getInstance().addConverter(new CustomConverter());


        you would then be able to define the example for your pojo as you like:

        @ExampleAnnotation("{\"Pet\": {\"id\" : 0, \"name\": "...."}}")
        public class Pet {
            private long id;
            private Category category;