Forum Discussion
- Marsha_RModerator
Your combination of TC and Chrome is not supported right now. Here's where you check:
- AlexKarasChampion Level 3
What kind of help do you need?
Have you tried to follow what is suggested in the message?
- FFCBContributor
Hi There,
I already added my URL to TestedApps.
Now it's different question, if anyone can help.
Extensions in chrome browser recently turned up like <refer the screen shots>.
Tried to uninstall couldn't because the remove button is not visible anymore.
Uninstalled chrome and reinstalled but still this is displayed the same way.
All these happened to my browser few backs ago. Earlier everything was. working.
Any idea how I can remove the extensions and reinstall extension to chrome.
- AlexKarasChampion Level 3
What version of TestComplete and Chrome you are using?
Can you check in TestComplete documentation if given version of Chrome is supported in the given version of TestComplete?
- FFCBContributor
can you let me know if this combination of chrome & TC version should work with out any issues?
TC Version: x64
Chrome browser -Version 120.0.6099.217 (Official Build) (64-bit).
Application is launching and click is not happening with chrome browser , any thoughts?
- FFCBContributor
Test Complete version 15.54.3
Chrome -120.0.6099.217
- AlexKarasChampion Level 3
As it was already answered by Marsha, TC 15.54 does not support Chrome 120. (Chrome 120 seems to be not supported at all yet. :( )
There was a message on the forum that TC 15.59 works for Edge 120, so you may give it a try if use of Chrome is not mandatory. However, TC 15.59 seems still to have a set of regression problems, so I wouldn't recommend blind update to it, but first give it a try on some non-production test environment.
If use of Chrome is mandatory for your testing and you do not have extensive set of tests yet, you may consider cloud testing with BitBar, though this will require BitBar license (free license exists, so you can check if BitBar is something that might work for you). Check relevant documentation sections for more details.
Consider this if you decide to consider cloud approach:
-- You will need to switch identification of web elements in your test project from 'classic' to XPath/CSS mode - this is a critical step and decision as the 'classic' test code and 'cloud' one are incompatible if relevant test code design is not implemented from the very beginning of the given test project;
-- Record/code test using, say Edge, locally as usual;
-- Adopt test code for remote cloud execution;
-- Execute test in the cloud using Chrome/any other browser provided by BitBar.
- torusContributor
This was an extremely useful conversation. Thanks for all the info. Posts like this prevent me from hour long conversations with my IT trying to figure out what permissions they changed and what software updates they pushed to my machine which caused TestComplete to no longer work. I can't get the latest two version of TestComplete (TC 15.59 nor TC 15.20) to work with the latest Chrome (chrome version 120) or Edge (edge version 120). Our company forcibly pushed browser updates for both browsers to our machines in the past few days (have stated before this is for security reasons).
I didn't see anything in the link Marsha directed us to about Chrome 120, is there a place in TestComplete documentation which lists the Chrome and Edge versions that can and cannot be used with each version of TestComplete?
I guess you know when Chrome Browser and TC are incompatible when:
And you know when Edge Browser and TC are incompatible when:
- Marsha_RModerator
is there a place in TestComplete documentation which lists the Chrome and Edge versions that can and cannot be used with each version of TestComplete?
That's the link I gave you. If the combination is not on that page, it doesn't work yet.
- AlexKarasChampion Level 3
Also for what browsers are supported with current TC version.
And you may check for browsers supported by given previous version of TC.
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