Issue reading node names from a TVirtualStringTree object
We have a TVirtualStringTree tree for a list of items. It has expandable icons and checkboxes as shown in the image. I can never check the checkboxes. It shows error as "The tree nodes have no check boxes or they are custom-drawn." When I try to read the tree root nodes, it returns me the first node and then the sub nodes of it. But I can't read the root nodes of the tree. Can someone please help me with a proper way to read all the nodes of the tree. I need to also check the checkboxes or click on a particular node. NOTE: If I record the actions of expanding nodes or checking the check boxes, it comes up as something like below- let virtualStringTree = Aliases.patients.EthnicitySelectorForm.ViewPanel.EthnicityTree; virtualStringTree.Click(15, 27); virtualStringTree.Click(35, 26);381Views1like2CommentsWarning ; "The action may be performed incorrectly, because the control is disable" in close VM mode
Hello Everybody, I have a warning when running my scenario in "CloseVM" console mode... The scenario works fine when running on an open screen (no error, no warning). What can produce this warning and how to deal with ...? I sometime add "delays" of few seconds to get ride of this, but is there another/better way... Thanks in advance for your help461Views1like4CommentsIs there any solution to know if the running app is x86 or x64 ?
Hi all, I'm having troubles to find a proper way to check if the running app is an x86 app or an x64 one. For TestComplete / TestExecute, I can base my check the file path, but for other applications ? I thought there was a "tag" that inform the OS of the platform it is designed for, but I can't find an easy way to extract it... In my case, our tests are scripts driven and we are using 32 bits constraints for specific apps, and I would like to write an explicit log if the TestComplete is the x64 one and the tested app is the x86 one... Thanks for your help and ideas ! LoïcSolved580Views1like3CommentsCan I record UI steps of desktop application and then generate script of recorded UI steps
Team, Query:Can I record UI steps of desktop application/web application url and then covert the recorded steps to generate script. And then I just want to tweak it little like adding delay or something. Is this possible? Can I record UI navigations and steps from application web url and covert them to script later? Note- While starting project suite/project, I do select script option as python. Also directly recording the actions in Script option is also available. But my query is related to recording UI steps and then generating script?289Views1like1CommentCalling common function for all the scripts
Hi, I have two scripts Unit1 and Unit2. I have imported Unit2 in to Unit1. When I try to call function webpagereturn which is in unit2. I am getting the error "Cannot read Property 'webpagereturn' of undefined". Please refer the below Screen shots and help me to resolve this issue. I need to call a script function in another script file. Unit1 Screenshot Unit2 Screenshot Error ScreenshotSolved696Views1like4CommentsRow count in Excel File
Hi, Row count is always returning 8 and 4 irrespective of the data available in the excel sheet. The file has only one column and 2 rows. Excel = Sys.OleObject["Excel.Application"] Excel.Workbooks.Open("C:\\EData.xlsx") RowCount = Excel.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count ColumnCount = Excel.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count Thanks in advance.Solved623Views1like1CommentTested Apps folder question and Local Appium Server Android Mobile
Hello, so I have recently had to stop running my (Legacy) Android Mobile tests (once Android OS hit version 12 or so)... and have now switched to Local Appium, no cloud... Using "Legacy" I know my apps had to also be stored under the Tested Apps folder of TestComplete.... I could get them there a variety of ways... one way was to Right Click anywhere under that area and it would generate the app under Tested Apps, as it stepped me through via wizard etc It "appears" that storing the app under there is no longer required once I switched to Local Appium Server? I did try the Right Click and "ADD" feature.... and I figured I would select the item for the BitBar and Local Appium Server application (as there is no Local Appium Server Only selection).... and it ends up saving a BitBar app? So if I right click on that App Name, I am given a choice to only "Run All" and that seems to equate to running all apps I have stored in the Tested App area.... when I was running Legacy, if I right clicked on "Test App" app.... I had the option to run only that specific app.... why is it now showing run all? For Apps that are listed as BitBar (can I assume that now using Local Appium, that I no longer will need to get my app(s) into the Tested Apps folder as when I did Legacy for my Android Mobile Device?) At this time I do not want to use BitBar, but will use the Local Appium Server.... have a physical tablet connected to my test system via USB. Just trying to find out if it is necessary to place my apk under the Tested Apps folder.... does not seem to be? And why there is no Option if I do add it, that specifies Local Appium only... currently the options include Legacy for Android or BitBar and Local Appium (asking this from memory so my apologies if the selections are not quite 100%) Today (as I just figured out how to get the Local Appium etc set up today) I am Launching my App one of two ways, one is to use the Show The Mobile App button... (again not sure of the exact syntax) or by launching from my script file using appropriate "Capabilities"... both will bring up my tablet and allow me to execute against same - an no app needed under "Tested Apps" - am I correct that that's the way I want to run, no APK needed to be referenced under Tested Apps anymore? Thanks folks.Solved687Views1like2Comments