Forum Discussion

lherry's avatar
2 years ago

Is there any solution to know if the running app is x86 or x64 ?

Hi all,

I'm having troubles to find a proper way to check if the running app is an x86 app or an x64 one.

For TestComplete / TestExecute, I can base my check the file path, but for other applications ?

I thought there was a "tag" that inform the OS of the platform it is designed for, but I can't find an easy way to extract it...

In my case, our tests are scripts driven and we are using 32 bits constraints for specific apps, and I would like to write an explicit log if the TestComplete is the x64 one and the tested app is the x86 one...

Thanks for your help and ideas !


  • In the Object Browser, the property ProcessType will indicate this,

    Windows Task Manager will have "(32 bit)" shown next to the file name.

    You can use PowerShell script to retrieve this information as well.


  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    In the Object Browser, the property ProcessType will indicate this,

    Windows Task Manager will have "(32 bit)" shown next to the file name.

    You can use PowerShell script to retrieve this information as well.


  • Thanks for your reply (and sorry I hadn't seen that object browser property)

    Anyway, I'll have to run the app to know if it's a 32 or 64 bit application...

    But that'll be enough to me!

    • AlexKaras's avatar
      Champion Level 3



      Anyway, I'll have to run the app to know if it's a 32 or 64 bit application...

      Ages ago I used this code to get executable bitness using AutomatedBuildStudio - another fantastic tool by SmartBear that has been discontinued for some reason... 😞

      I hope that you will be able to port it to the language that your test project is based on.

      '//                    VBScript                    //
      '//         AutomatedQA Corp (c) 2002-2004         //
      '//               ALK (c) 2003-2012                //
      ' The following macro constant(s) must be defined:
      ' <none>
      ' The following macro variable(s) must be defined:
      ' smIsNativeBinary_vFileToAnalyse
      ' smGetBinaryBitness_BinaryBitness
      ' The following macro operation(s) must be defined:
      ' <none>
      Option Explicit
      ' Function reads iBytesToRead bytes from the ADO stream (advancing pointer position in stream accordingly)
      ' and returns read bytes as a string
      Function StreamReadBytesAsString(ByRef stream, ByVal iBytesToRead)
        Dim i
        Dim bBuffer ' byte array
        Dim strHex
        bBuffer = stream.Read(iBytesToRead)
        strHex = ""
        For i = 1 To iBytesToRead
          strHex = strHex & Chr(AscB(MidB(bBuffer, i, 1)))
        StreamReadBytesAsString = strHex
      End Function
      ' Function reads iBytesToRead bytes from the ADO stream (advancing pointer position in stream accordingly)
      ' and returns read bytes as a number
      Function StreamReadBytesAsNumber(ByRef stream, ByVal iBytesToRead)
        Dim i
        Dim bBuffer ' byte array
        Dim strHex
        bBuffer = stream.Read(iBytesToRead)
        strHex = ""
        For i = 1 To iBytesToRead
          strHex = Utilities.Format("%.2x", Array(AscB(MidB(bBuffer, i, 1)))) & strHex
        StreamReadBytesAsNumber = Eval("&H" & strHex)
      End Function
      'also: (
      Function GetExecutableBitness(ByVal strFullFileName)
        Const cPEHeaderSize = &H14
        Const cDataDictionaryEntrySize = &H8 ' size of the Directory entry of the DataDictionary structure
        Dim Stream
        Dim strHex
        Dim iPEOffset
        Dim iImageBitness
      '  Dim iPEHeaderSize
        GetExecutableBitness = "-1"
        Set Stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
        Stream.Type = 1 ' Binary (adTypeBinary)
      '  Stream.Mode = 1 ' adModeRead
        Stream.LoadFromFile strFullFileName
        ' Check 'MZ' signature
        Stream.Position = &H0 ' = 0d contains MZ signature
        strHex = StreamReadBytesAsNumber(Stream, 2)
        If (strHex <> 23117) Then ' MZ = 0x4D 0x5A (23117 = 0x5A4D)
          Call Log.Error("'MZ' signature was not found in the " & strFullFileName & _
              " file. The value at offset 0x0 is " & strHex & "d (0x" & Hex(strHex) & "h). Expected: 0x5A4D")
          Exit Function
        End If
        Stream.Position = &H3C ' = 60d contains offset to PE header
        iPEOffset = StreamReadBytesAsNumber(Stream, 4)
      'Log.Message "PE header (from 0x3Ch) starts at " & iPEOffset & "d (0x" & Hex(iPEOffset) & "h)"
        ' Check 'PE' signature
        Stream.Position = iPEOffset ' move to the PE header start
        strHex = StreamReadBytesAsNumber(Stream, 4)
        If (strHex <> 17744) Then ' PE = 0x50 0x45 (17744 = 0x4550)
          Call Log.Error("'PE' signature was not found in the " & strFullFileName & _
              " file. The value at offset 0x" & Hex(iPEOffset) & " is " & strHex & "d (0x" & Hex(strHex) & _
              "h). Expected: 0x4550")
          Exit Function
        End If
      '  strHex = StreamReadBytesAsString(Stream, 2)
      '  If ("PE" <> strHex) Then _
      '    Log.Error(strFullFileName & " file does not contain the required 'PE' signature")
        ' Get image bitness (this magic immediately follows 'PE' signature)
        iImageBitness = StreamReadBytesAsNumber(Stream, 2)
        Select Case iImageBitness
          Case &H14C ' i386 (32-bit)
            GetExecutableBitness = "32"
          Case &H8664 ' AMD64 (64-bit)
            GetExecutableBitness = "64"
          Case Else
            Log.Error("Unsupported image file architecture: " & iImageBitness & "d (0x" & Hex(iImageBitness) & _
                "h). Expected: 0x14C (32-bit) or 0x8664 (64-bit)")
        End Select
        Set Stream = Nothing
      End Function
      Sub Main
      '  Dim strUNCFile
      'strUNCFile = "D:\Program Files\Automated QA\TestComplete 7\Bin\msxml4r.dll"
      ''strUNCFile = "\\\c$\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VirtualBox.exe"
      'Log.Message "strUNCFile = " & strUNCFile
      'Call GetExecutableBitness(strUNCFile)
        Variables.smGetBinaryBitness_BinaryBitness = GetExecutableBitness(Variables.smGetBinaryBitness_BinaryFullName)
      End Sub