Forum Discussion

hema_dasari's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

TestComplete 11 , The objects are not recognized when the application is opened by script

I was able to run scripts successfully using 10.3 . We have upgraded to TestComplete 11 and I obsrved a strange behavior.

1: Opened TesComplete Manually and Opened Application Using script . All the scripts are failed as TestComplete 11 doesnt recognise objects.

2: Same issue occured when TestComplete 11 is opened using VBScript.

3: Opened TestComplete 11 manually and Opened Application also Manually. In this Cases it recognises the Objects.


However this was absolutely fine when TestComplete 10.3 was used. Can anyone provide me the solution?

6 Replies

  • Hi,


    We also upgraded scripts recently. We did not face any such issues. Can you give the following info.


    1. Have you checked MSAA in default project properties.

    2. What is the OS and Bit.

    3. Does the app require any Admin access?

    4. Command used to invoke scripts .

    5. Version of TC.

    • hema_dasari's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      1. Have you checked MSAA in default project properties. -- Same settings as Tescomplete 10.3

      2. What is the OS and Bit. -- Windows 7 enterprise 64 bit

      3. Does the app require any Admin access? -- not required

      4. Command used to invoke scripts .-- Written code in Java Script.


      sProcStatus=eval(sActionName+"(oDataDict, oUserDict)"); this is the call for function



      5. Version of TC. --11.20.1491.7