TestComplete 14 recognizes objects differently than TestComplete 12
Recently I upgrade from TestComplete 12 to TestComplete 14 and I notice that all of my tests are getting failed. As before we face an issue where due to the resolution of the system a similar issue so I start executing it from a different machine and with the different resolution, I founded that the issue is not as we face before so our technical team starts their investigation and found the issue.
We are facing an issue where the Namemapping of an existing object is showing differently in TestComplete 14 and TestComplete 12 in the same Environment for Reference following are the Mapped object.
Sys.Browser("iexplore").Page("https://vm003-isu-wkf.netsolpk.com/CAPWEB/FieldInvestigation/FieldInvestigation.aspx?AppNumber=D-A00..., 0).Panel("pnl_rptr").Table(0).Cell(0, 0).Table(0).Cell(0, 0).Panel("Callback_pnlColApplicantInfo_").Table("table1").Cell(0, 0).Image("PanelpnlColApplicantInfo_toggle")
Sys.Browser("iexplore").Page("https://vm003-isu-wkf.netsolpk.com/CAPWEB/FieldInvestigation/FieldInvestigation.aspx?AppNumber=D-A00..., 0).Panel("pnl_rptr").Table(0).Cell(0, 1).Table(0).Cell(0, 0).Panel("Callback_pnlColApplicantInfo_").Table("table1").Cell(0, 0).Image("PanelpnlColApplicantInfo_toggle")
I have Bold the text from where the Namemapping got different. In TestComplete 12 it's Cell(0,1) and in TestComplete 14 it's Cell(0,0).
For reference, I am also adding a Video link and few issue related Documents.
HI katullus,
Please refer to the following KB article:
You'll need to switch to the BasicHttpBinding binding.