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sbellary's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 years ago

Object Spy doesn't recognize edge browser object download save as

TestComplete doesn't Object Spy on Edge Download dialog, actually I was trying to click on "Save as". Any ideas to click on save as button apart from changing edge settings.

  • Once you've added the WndClass name to MSAA, you will see in the Object Browser the icons have changed. This indicates that TC is able to identify the controls. 

    The last item in the tree 'Chrome_RenderWidgeHostHWND' should be added to MSAA. Once TC has identified it, expand the control to find the item relating to the download control.

  • I'm using TC v15.54.3.7 and Edge v116.0.1938.54. 


    On the first appearance, I get the same as you

    If I reopen the dialog again, then I can see all the items.


    I've set up my download to automatically download the file to a specific location, so I never interact with this dialog.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I'm using TC v15.54.3.7 and Edge v116.0.1938.54. 


    On the first appearance, I get the same as you

    If I reopen the dialog again, then I can see all the items.


    I've set up my download to automatically download the file to a specific location, so I never interact with this dialog.

    • sbellary's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      rraghvani Excellent yes it does work and all you suggestion was really helpful specially MSAA settings is a trick. Thank you so much for all the support.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Once you've added the WndClass name to MSAA, you will see in the Object Browser the icons have changed. This indicates that TC is able to identify the controls. 

    The last item in the tree 'Chrome_RenderWidgeHostHWND' should be added to MSAA. Once TC has identified it, expand the control to find the item relating to the download control.

    • sbellary's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      rraghvani appreciate it for the suggestions. Yes, I did set the value in MSAA in both default and current Projects Properties. but for some reason Object browser doesn't showing the option and even the Object Spy doesn't recognize the control. 


  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    If you add the WndClass name to MSAA in your project settings, then TC will recognise Edge controls,


    • sbellary's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      rraghvani Thanks for the quick response. I just tried setting this and even relaunched TC but it didn't work.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Is that the correct name 'Chrome_RenderWidgeHowtHWND' or should it be 'Chrome_RenderWidgeHostHWND' ?


    What's this control?


    Note: Once TC has identified it, expand the control to find the item relating to the download control - Expand via Object Browser.

    • sbellary's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      rraghvani Excellent my mistake I was trying different options and took the screenshot before correcting but I did verify its "Chrome_RenderWidgeHostHWND" and "Dialog("Downloads")" is the one I was trying to click on "Save as" and you can see I expanded it. But I'm still not able to recognize the control.

      As I don't know the exact properties, I was randomly trying to write the code something like this which doesn't work too.

      var Dialog = Sys.Browser("edge").Dialog("Downloads").Pane(0).Pane(0).Pane(1).Pane(0)
      Dialog.Find("Name", 'Button("Save as")', 100).Click()

    • sbellary's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      rraghvani Yes enabled * in MSAA and its still the same. But the information you provided is really valuable and it helped me to explore more. Will try and see what the other options are to get this. Thanks

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Can you give more details as to what didn't work? What did you do? Provide screenshots?

    • sbellary's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      this is what I added the WndClass name to MSAA in my project settings.


      • sbellary's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        And after this trying to object spy to get the Save as properties but it didn't recognize the control instead identifies the background controls behind the dialog.

    • sbellary's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      TestComplete - 15.52

      Edge - 116.0.1938.62 (Official build) (64-bit)