Forum Discussion

jkrolczy's avatar
Regular Contributor
2 years ago

MS Edge 114.0.1823.43 : Downloads window NOT being recognized by TestComplete 15.52

Using TestComplete Version: x64

Now the MS Edge 114.0.### is out 

My code to find the above Downloads window and click the 'Save as' button is not working 

The ObjectSpy can only get to:




and not a path like before as such:


Sys.Browser("edge").Dialog("Downloads").Pane(0).Pane(0).Pane(1).Pane(0).Document("Downloads").Grouping(0).Grouping(0).Grouping(1).Grouping(0).List("Recent downloads").ListItem("What do you want to do with abnForm.pdf?").Grouping(0).Grouping(1).MenuButton("Save as More options").Button("Save as").Click();



snippet of the code:


function EdgeDownloadSaveAsWindow()
//Sys.Browser("edge").Dialog("Downloads").Pane(0).Pane(0).Pane(1).Pane(0).Document("Downloads").Grouping(0).Grouping(0).Grouping(1).Grouping(0).List("Recent downloads").ListItem("What do you want to do with abnForm.pdf?").Grouping(0).Grouping(1).MenuButton("Save as More options").Button("Save as").Click();
//Sys.Browser("edge").Dialog("Downloads").Pane(0).Pane(0).Pane(0).Pane(0).Document("Downloads").Grouping(0).Grouping(0).Grouping(1).Grouping(0).List("Recent downloads").ListItem("What do you want to do with abnForm.pdf?").Grouping(0).Grouping(1).MenuButton("Save as More options").Button("Save as").Click();

brwsr = Sys.Browser("edge");

diaObj = brwsr.Dialog("Downloads");
docObj = find_Obj_ObjectIdentifier_ObjectType("Downloads", "Document", diaObj);
listObj = find_Obj_ObjectIdentifier_ObjectType("Recent downloads", "List", docObj);
menuBtnObj = find_Obj_ObjectIdentifier_ObjectType("Save as More options", "MenuButton", listObj);

menuBtnObj.Button("Save as").Click();
Log.Message("'Save as' button selected.");
Log.Message(" ");



I may need to open a ticket on this one ? 



  • This issue resolved by latest TestComplete version 15.53

    • jkrolczy's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      Microsoft Edge
      Version 114.0.1823.43 (Official build) (64-bit) 

  • jkrolczy's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    I did uninstall TC 15.52 and reinstalled to be sure nothing from the previous version of TestComplete and MS Edge going from Chromium 113 to 114 was still preventing my existing code from working.

    Issue still remains.