Forum Discussion

Frits's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 months ago

How to provide TestExecute with URL for SLM offline (on-premise) server

Hi there!

I would like to use TestExecute with our on-premise SLM. Everybody can connect (as anonymous.user). But when I start TestExecute from the commandline I get this message in the Event Viewer: 

"The user did not log in using the SmartBear account or did not pass the accesskey in the command-line arguments. TestComplete will be closed."


But when I pass the accesskey from the OFFLINE (on-premise) server, it doesn't work, and this error in Event Viewer:

"Our records say no TestExecute license is assigned to your SmartBear ID."


So I think the /AccessKey parameter is only for the online SLM? So how do I tell TestExecute WHERE to find the SLM? 

I would like to pass the URL to the on-premise server to TestExecute in the commandline. But this parameter does not exist? 


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