Forum Discussion

DEF1963's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

SwaggerHub on-premise. Cannot resolve reference to domain

All attempts to create a referece to domain generate "cannot resolve reference" error.

Tried: Openapi 3.0.0, 2.0.0 

May be the problem is in our URL which contains "-".


  • DEF1963's avatar
    Occasional Contributor


    The problem was our certificate chain. 

  • What happens if you type the $ref: and then press control-space ?

    This should show you a pick-box list of all the domain anchors that you have access to. Remember, you must have at lease Consumer level access to the domain in order to consume components from it. 
    The hyphen in your url should not be an issue. 
    If you continue to see this error, please open a Support case and out amazing support team will get on it. Include you Sales rep in cc on the ticket. 

    • DEF1963's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      When I type $ref: and pres control-space i shows me the list of objects from domain and, then put a root to the object as $ref value.

      Then it indicates an error (red square with "error could not resolve reference: undefined undefined") in front of the $ref line inmediately.