9 years agoContributor
With error message "The process ... was not found" Runner.Stop(true) stop the whold test.
I have two testitems. Testitem1 is the real testing script. Testitem2 is the one send result to users and cleanup... I used the Runner.Stop(true)in GenaralEvents_OnLogError() so when the first testitem failed I can stop and move on to testitem2 (send result to users). It works fine for most of the time.
But sometimes I found if my application was crashed during testing the whole test stopped. It looks like when my script run “myprocess= Sys.Process("My Application")” and at the same time my application was crashed my testscript will stop the whole test(it will not run testitem2).
It looks like Runner.Stop(true) couldn't handle "The process ... was not found" error or have I miss somthing ?