Forum Discussion

jr348's avatar
5 years ago

Edge "This browser was not found on the current computer"

Got the above error when using the keye word action "run browser" then selecting Edge..




function ListBrowsers()
  var browser;
   for (var i=0; i < Browsers.Count; i++)
    browser = Browsers.Item(i);
    Log.Message("Browser " + aqConvert.IntToStr(i) + " : " + browser.Description);

...and got IE and Chrome, but no Edge.


OS: Windows 2016 Server 

OS Name Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard
Version 10.0.14393 Build 14393

TC Version: Version: 14.30.3743.7 x64

Edge Version: 80.0.361.66 (x86)


Have "Enable support for testing windows store applications enabled.


Any ideas?


  • ever since the new edge update, it is now being treated as a desktop application by testcomplete; you will have to add the edge executable as a tested application and start it via run testedapp 

2 Replies

  • ever since the new edge update, it is now being treated as a desktop application by testcomplete; you will have to add the edge executable as a tested application and start it via run testedapp 

    • jr348's avatar

      Thanks Justin!


      You're right.  Just tried that and can now spy into it.


      It's Edge Chromium.


      Hopefully it will  be included in the browsers collection in the near future.