What is the use of Aliases
I just started with my Test Environment and already came across a few veryyyy bad problems using these aliases ...
Why should i use this aliases?
When i use the namemapping path it automatically corrects testcases in my project, when this namemapping changes...
On the other hand, if I used the alias it created for the namemapping and these get changed, it doesnt change the aliases used in testcases.
Right now i only have like 10 testcases - but when I have a big project where i use those aliases a couple of thousand times it would be like a destroyed project, just renaming 1 alias ...
In my case was the problem that 1 element (a panel) got added so I remapped the panel and dragged the objects onto this panel -> making the alias change for this instead of xxx.element it was than xxx.panel.element making all my testcases unrunable