Forum Discussion
- 314245320Occasional ContributorI'm using TestComplete 9.2
- TanyaYatskovskaSmartBear Alumni (Retired)
Hi Yolanda,
Can you post here the problematic line on which you are getting the error?
- 314245320Occasional ContributorI don't know what effect this error popup, I only know when I run project or any SUB, this error will popup every time.
- TanyaYatskovskaSmartBear Alumni (Retired)
- 314245320Occasional ContributorYes, there is Aliases tree in the Name Mapping editor. I've use the project run normal ago, but one day, I've re-defined mapping name like this:
Dim frmMain,pnlUIA,pnlUIAMain
Set frmMain = Aliases.frm_Main
Set pnlUIA = frmMain.pnl_UIA
Set pnlUIAMain = pnlUIA.UIA_pnl_Main
server day after, I got up error window, but I don't know if this define effect it.
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