8 years agoOccasional Contributor
WaitProperty always return false when using with "Exists" property and timeout = 0
Hi all,
I'm using "WaitProperty" action with "Exists" property and timeout = 0 to know control is exist or not immediately. However, TestCompelete always return false when we let timeout = 0 although "Exists" property of control is true.
My script:
this.btn = Aliases.browser.pageLogin.formLogin.btnLogin
Log.Message("Get property Exists :" + this.btn.Exists) Log.Message("Get property Left :" + this.btn.Left) Log.Message("Get property Enabled :" + this.btn.Enabled) Log.Message("Wait property Exists:" + this.btn.WaitProperty("Exists", true, 0)) Log.Message("Wait property Left :" + this.btn.WaitProperty("Left", 609, 0)) Log.Message("Wait property Enabled :" + this.btn.WaitProperty("Enabled", true, 0))
Test Compelete version 12.30.1651.7
Who can help me determine this issue. Thanks.