Forum Discussion

m_essaid's avatar
Valued Contributor
11 years ago

Waiting for a window / "the object does not exist"


I have a software that makes batchs that could be from 10 seconds long to several minutes.

I put a property checkpoint right after this batch.

The problem is that i have, when running the test, the message "object does not exist". The object is a window with an "ok" button that indicate the end of the batch.

So I can't put a specific timeout, the waiting time could be changing.

How could I make Test Complete wait for a specific object to exists ?

Thank you very much
  • Hi Mehdi,

    For such situations, we prefer using WaitAliasChild because:

    1. - the waiting time is a maximum so if the object appears earlier it will be acknowledged,

    2. - if the object is not found at max time, no error is raised

    Please checkout WaitAliasChild


8 Replies

  • jorgesimoes1983's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    I use this function, it waits for a property (objectidentifier, contenttext..) value until a time value

    function waitForProperty(propriedade, text, maxTime)


      var p, page;

      var time_limit=0;





        time_limit += 100;



        if(time_limit>maxTime) // 1000


          Log.Warning("[waitForProperty] Time exceeded");

          Log.Picture(Sys.Desktop.Picture(), "[+] SCREENSHOT");




        page = Sys.Browser("iexplore").Page("http://**").NativeWebObject.Find(property,text);




      while (! page.Exists)


      Log.Message("[waitForProperty] "+ text);


  • chrisb's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Assuming you know a property of the Window that doesn't change each time you run the test you could use the WaitWindow method (

    If the properties of the window change each time you run the test you could still do the above with wildcards or if all else fails search for the object in a loop and exit the loop after n number of tries. 

  • simon_glet's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Hi Mehdi,

    For such situations, we prefer using WaitAliasChild because:

    1. - the waiting time is a maximum so if the object appears earlier it will be acknowledged,

    2. - if the object is not found at max time, no error is raised

    Please checkout WaitAliasChild

  • m_essaid's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Thank you Chris and Simon, it helped a lot,

    I tried bothWaitWindow andWaitAliasChild, they worked quite fine.

    Example of WaitWindow :


    procedure AttenteFenetre;


    p, w;


    p := Sys.Process('MyProgram');

    w := p.WaitWindow('TFormMyForm', '*', -1, 100000);

    if w.Exists then   


      if aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.MyProgram.MyForm, 'Visible', 0, true) then


        Log.Picture(w, 'Message ok');





      Log.Warning('Message "non ok"')



    Example of WaitAliasChild :



    function WaitAliasChildExample;

    var AliasObj;


      AliasObj := Aliases.MyProgram;

      if (AliasObj.WaitAliasChild('TFormMyForm', 100000).Exists ) then






    But i just know how to do so only by the script, not with the Test Complete GUI.

    I have another question if you don't mind : I noticed that in Tools\Playback\ there is a checkbox "Stop on errors". What are the benefits to let it checked ?

  • chrisb's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Stops test execution if an error occurs. See this:

    I'd suggest if you are eventually going to execute a suite of tests that you might also want to use  ' Events'  (  for handling errors, warning, etc.

    For example because my test steps are heavily dependant on the previous test step (application state)  I use Event handlers to post a screenshot and message to test logs and then immediately exit the current test and start the next test in the run. 
  • simon_glet's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Hi Mehdi,

    As Chris answered the "Stop on errors" question, I will just say that we do not use Keyword testing because of it's edition limitations. We find it easier to code everything.

    From the postings on this forum, it seems that Keyword-Driven testing is aimed at testers that do not code. If you have to right building blocks, sure why bother ? ;-)

  • m_essaid's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Thank you Chris, Simon and Jorge,

    Yes before using TC I'm a Delphi developper so scripting in a Delphi-like language seems easiest to me than using KeyWords driven tests.